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Our Distinguished Advisors

The DNS Research Federation's Distinguished Advisory Panel, includes internationally recognised experts in cybersecurity, internet governance, data, research and education, offering generous advice on all aspects of our work.
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April Lorenzen Chief Data Scientist, Zetalytics LLC

April is a security researcher specializing in the discovery of crimeware resources in the domain name system (DNS).  As Chief Data Scientist at Zetalytics, she oversees one of the world's largest and most geographically diverse passive DNS systems. April is also a Principal Investigator at Dissect Cyber, which received the "Global Impact" award from DHS S&T Cyber Security Division in 2016 and 2019 as well as Congressional Recognition in 2019. 

April volunteers in the whitehat community, as a Senior Technical Advisor for the Messaging, Malware, Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) and as a Senior Research Fellow for the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG).  

In 2006, April received an award for "Outstanding Support in the Ongoing Battle Against Cyber Crime" from the National Cyber Forensics Training Alliance (NCFTA). She has operated threat intel feeds continuously since 2004, and is the primary architect of the free open source data visualization tool "Mal4s”.

April is a frequent trainer and speaker at international ISP, law enforcement and security industry conferences.

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Carolina Aguerre Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities and Communication, Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU)

Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU); Senior Associate Fellow at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research (GCR21) at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany); and associate researcher at the Centre for Technology and Society (CETYS) at Universidad de San Andrés (Argentina). Her research focuses on institutional development and multistakeholder models of the DNS and critical Internet resources across levels, with a specific focus on Latin American processes; digital data governance and socio-technical infrastructures (platforms) and AI governance and norm diffusion. She has experience in serving in different advisory roles in policy and multistakeholder environments, including the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) (2020-2022), UNESCO Ad Hoc Expert Group on Ethical Recommendations for Artificial Intelligence (2020) and the MultiStakeholder Advisory Group for the IGF (2012-2014), as well as in academic councils GIGANET (2016-2019) among others. She has a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and an MA in Communication and Culture from Goldsmiths College, University of London. She was a resident fellow at the CGR21 (2020-2021) at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Some of her relevant recent publications on data, AI policy and governance are Aguerre, Carolina; Campbell-Verduyn, Malcolm; Scholte, Jan A. (2023) (eds).Digital Data Governance. Polycentric Perspectives. Routledge, Global Cooperation Series. (forthcoming). Aguerre, C.; Ferracuti, D.; Kirschbaum, I.; Levy-Daniel, M.; Perini, A. (2022). “The role of ethics in the development of artificial intelligence systems in the Latin American entrepreneurial sector”. GUIA, CETyS, Universidad de San Andrés.

Aguerre, C. and Bustos, G. (2021). AI, Justice and Digital Transformation in the Latin American Public Domain in “Readiness for Artificial Intelligence in the Judicial Sector”. CETyS, Universidad de San Andrés; Aguerre, C. (2020).

Estrategias nacionales de IA y gobernanza de datos (National AI strategies and data governance), in Aguerre, C (comp.). Inteligencia Artificial en América Latina. Ética, gobernanza y políticas (Artificial Intelligence in Latin America. Ethics, governance and policies). ISSN-2684-0278

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Ciaran Martin Professor of Practice, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

Professor Ciaran Martin, CB, is a Professor of Practice at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford, as well as a managing director at Paladin Capital and the holder of several other advisory roles in private sector cyber security. He writes and speaks frequently on cyber security in major outlets across the world, and was named on of the most influential people in European technology by Politico in 2022.

From 2014 until 2020 he set up and then led the United Kingdom’s world-leading National Cyber Security Centre, within the intelligence agency GCHQ on whose board he sat.

This was the culmination of a 23 year career in UK public service which saw him serve in senior roles in national security, constitutional and economic policy.

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Diana Burley Vice Provost for Research and Innovation, American University

Dr. Diana L. Burley is an award-winning global cybersecurity expert withover 25 years of experience leading multi-institutional, cross-sector teamsto drive digital transformation and strategic innovation.

She is a dynamic industry thought leader who advises global stakeholders on strengthening cybersecurity posture, implementing robust workforce development programs, diversifying the cybersecurity/high-tech workforce, and building an equitable global cyber community.

Diana is currently Vice Provost for Research and Innovation at American University (AU) where she is also a Professor of Public Administration and Policy and Professor of Information Technology & Analytics. As both the university’s chief research officer and chief innovation officer, and a member of university-wide research enterprise, developing the research brand, enabling global partnerships, and supporting faculty ledscholarship across all disciplines. Diana also serves as the Director for the newly established Shahal M. Khan Institute of Cyber and Economic Security at AU. In addition, she holds cleared research appointments with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and the Idaho National Laboratory.Prior to AU, Diana spent 14 years at George Washington University as a professor, administrator, and institute director.

She led the Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P), a 26-member cybersecurity research consortium focused on critical infrastructure protection, managed a multi-million- dollar computer science education and research portfolio at the National Science Foundation. She has written more than 100 publications on cybersecurity, information sharing, risk, and digital transformation; including her 2014 co-authored book “Enterprise Software Security: A Confluence of Disciplines” and throughout her career, Diana has maintained an independent consulting practice focusing on digital transformation, cybersecurity awareness, and strategic innovation.

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Drew Bagley Vice President & Counsel, Privacy and Cyber Policy, CrowdStrike

Drew Bagley, Esq. is CrowdStrike's Vice President & Counsel for Privacy and Cyber Policy, responsible for leading Crowdstrike's data protection initiatives, privacy strategy and global policy engagement. Mr. Bagley joined Crowdstrike nearly a decade ago and has built the privacy and public policy programs from the ground up while contributing to strategic developments in the company's evolution from a startup to a publicly-traded leader in cybersecurity. He serves as CrowdStrike's representative to CISA's Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative, as an advisor Europol Advisory Group on Internet Security, a member of the U.S Department of State's International Digital Economy and Telecommunication Advisory Committee, and on the DNS Abuse Institute's Advisory Council. He is also a member of the President's NSTAC Abuse of Domestic Infrastructure Subcommittee.

Mr. Bagley has testified before the U.S Congress. He regularly publishes articles and is often quoted in the media. He is currently on the faculty of American University, where he teaches cyber law and policy. Active in Internet governance, Mr. Bagley previously jointly-led the ICANN Competition, Consumer Choice, and Consumer Trust Review Team, which assessed the expansion of the Internet’s Domain Name System. Mr. Bagley has played an active role leading DNS anti-abuse efforts through the Secure Domain Foundation. Prior to joining CrowdStrike, Mr. Bagley served in the Office of the General Counsel at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where he worked at the intersection of law and technology.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Bagley was one of ten Americans selected as an Alexander von Humboldt German Chancellor Fellow, based in Germany focused on a variety of national security issues. He has previously taught at the University of Leipzig, University of Maryland, and University of Florida. Mr. Bagley earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Miami School of Law and a Master’s degree in Mass Communication Law, a Bachelor’s of Science in Public Relations, and a Bachelor’s of Arts in Political Science from the University of Florida. Mr. Bagley is a member of the New York State Bar.

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Joyce Hakmeh Deputy Director of the International Security Programme, Chatham House

Joyce is a policy expert in international security focusing on cyber policy. She is the Deputy Director of the International Security Programme at Chatham House and the Co-Editor of the Journal of Cyber Policy. In her role, Joyce oversees the research agenda of the programme and leads the work of Chatham House on cyber policy issues. Before her current role, Joyce worked for the UN and other international organizations and spent over ten years working on development issues in the MENA region. Joyce has an MA in International Law from SOAS university.
