What are we tracking?
The NIS2 tracker follows each of the EU Member States’ progress in transposing and implementing the NIS2 Directive 02022L2555-20221227 - EN - EUR-Lex. We conduct desk based research on a weekly basis and update the tracker to include our most up to date data and recent finds. However, tracking the transposition is complex and it is difficult to find up to date and accurate information on each Member State. If you see any information in our tracker that you believe is out of date or incorrect, the research team would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with any comments or corrections.
What are the Phases in the tracker?
For the purposes of our tracker, we have broken the transposition process down into four ‘Phases’. The Phases are as follows:
1) Not Started - For Member States in this Phase we could not find any information on their transposition progress.
2) In Preparation - This is the Phase in which Member States are preparing draft laws and running consultations to gather opinions. Any relevant dates and links can be found in the drop down section for that Member State.
3) Transposed - This is less of a ‘Phase’ and more of a point in time. A Member State reaches the transposed Phase once they have incorporated the Directive into national law. In this section, we provide links to the transposed law and a breakdown of how the Member State’s transposition of Article 28 compares to the guidance on Article 28 in the EU Directive.
4) Implementation - This is where the Member State has transposed the Directive into their national law but may be leaving some parts to secondary legislation and/or holding further consultations. Once again, any relevant dates and links will be provided in the drop down section for that Member State.
What are the Statuses in the tracker?
Within each Phase, Member States also have ‘Statuses’ associated with them. The different Statuses are explained below:
1) Infraction Proceedings - The European Commission has opened infraction proceedings against Member States for failing to fully transpose the provisions of the NIS2 directive. A light grey ‘Infraction Proceedings’ Status box will be displayed next to Member States that are currently facing infringement procedures.
2) Upcoming Consultation - For Member States in the Preparation or Implementation Phase, the tracker will inform you of any upcoming consultations with a yellow Status box, displaying the start date of the consultation inside of it.
3) Consultation Open - Once a consultation in the Preparation or Implementation Phase has opened and comments are able to be submitted, a red ‘Consultation Open’ Status box will be displayed next to the appropriate Member State.
4) Ongoing - If there are not any current or upcoming consultations and the Member State is not currently under infraction proceedings then the Status is set to ‘Ongoing’, which will appear in a green Status box.
5) Pending Implementation - Because the Transposed Phase is binary (the law has either been transposed or it hasn't), Member States in this Phase can never have a Status of ‘Ongoing’. Once a Member State has transposed the Directive into their national law, their Status will be set to ‘Pending Implementation’, displayed in a dark grey Status box, until they reach the ‘Implementation’ Phase.
Use of interactive elements in the tracker
Drop down Buttons - Please use the drop down buttons on the right hand side of each Member State’s row to see a more detailed breakdown of their transposition progress. Phase summaries, key dates, links and other important information that we have collected in each Phase can be found in these sections.
Filters and Search Bar - You can use the checkbox filters on the side of the page to filter for specific Member States or Member States in certain Phases. The search bar at the top of the page can also be used to search for Member States.