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DNSRF Tech Team showcase the DAP.LIVE platform at M3AAWG 57th Meeting, San Francisco


DAP.LIVE, the Data Analytics Platform of the DNS Research Federation, provides access to data and advanced analytical tools to trusted partners from the public safety, cybersecurity research and academic communities. The DNS Research Federation's tech team will provide an interactive training and onboarding session for M3AAWG attendees interested in data-driven research relating to the Internet's unique identifiers - domain names and IP addresses– focused on a set of specific use cases: brand protection and monitoring phishing, malware and spam. The DNS Analytics Platform, DAP.LIVE, brings together more than 30 data sources, provides for 'bring your own data' functionality, with API inputs and outputs, as well as user-friendly data visualisations and dashboards. DAP.LIVE is a great tool for those interested in exploring the role of the DNS and other unique identifiers. Built on open source libraries developed by the DNS Research Federation / Oxford Information Labs' tech team over the past 20 years, the DAP provides a uniquely flexible and adaptable research tool.

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