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The Internet, Seriously | Trustchecker, NIS2 and Lib Dem Candidate Kieran McCarthy

By , ,

This week, the DNS Research Federation proudly launches their weekly podcast: 'the internet, seriously.', 'Techies' Lucien and Emily Taylor interview their 'not so techie' guests about how the Internet really works.

The podcasts will cover topics ranging from who governs the Internet, the geopolitical happenings in the tech space and why understanding the Internet is so important for our lives today.

In this inaugural episode, Lucien and Emily are joined by their colleague (and Putney Liberal Democrat candidate!) Kieren McCarthy. They discuss the launch of the DNSRF's new consumer product, 'Trustchecker', where users can check if links they have been sent are fraudulent; what on earth is the NIS2 tracker; as well as the use of the Internet and social media in the general election.

Make sure to listen in to our weekly podcast every Friday.
