Uniting for the Future: Insights and Strategic Planning from DNSRF's WTSA-24 Roundtable
By Carolina Caeiro
Last week, the DNS Research Federation held a roundtable in London which was well attended in-person and online. The focus of the event was 'Uniting for the Internet's Future and Strategic Planning for World Telecommunication Standardisation Assembly (WTSA-24). The event was organised as part of the DNSRF's Internet Standards Observatory, with the support of the Internet Society Foundation.
The first session reflected on what to expect at WTSA-24 based on resolutions submitted to date, including potential challanges and opportunities around Internet and emerging technologies. The second focused on the aftermath of WTSA-24, and what it takes to put a unified stance in support of multistakeholder governance ahead of the WSIS+20 review
The Team thoroughly enjoyed taking discussions further during the networking dinner.
We would like to thank both our in-person and online attendees for an excellent afternoon of Internet governance discussions.