DAY 1 - 24 June 2024 at the Global Anti Scam Summit Europe - GASS 2024 in Brussels
By Emily Taylor, Mark Robertshaw, Lucien Taylor, Nathan Alan
The DNSRF hosted Workshop 4 which comprised of four sessions:
• Emily Taylor chaired the first session, 'Why are international data flows so challenging?' alongside Lorelien Hoet, Emilio Sanchez Ulled, Eleanor Duhs and Bert Hubert. It was a lively discussion with an engaging audience and lots of questions raised.
• Sandra Peaston of CIFAS introduced a new solution to support the new regulation on automated push payments during the second session.
• The third session covered successful data sharing at a national level with Brian Webb of BT on Share and Defend, Esther Mieremet of ECP and Helena Wood of CIFAS.
• During the final session, Lucien Taylor, Mark Robertshaw and Nathan Allan from the DNSRF showcased the DAP.LIVE platform which will power the new Cybercrime.Exchange announced by Jorij Abraham, the Managing Director of GASA earlier in the day. In addition, Timo Wagenblatt and Murat Ozturk from Google did a presentation during this session.
The SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre was certainly buzzing with 350 in person participants and 1000+ online. Looking forward to what DAY 2 at the GASS2024 will bring.